PEBBLE BEACH, California – Youth on Course – the non-profit organization providing young people with subsidized golf, college scholarships, paid internships and a caddie program – has announced a partnership with TGA Premier Sports, the nation’s leading introductory and recreational junior golf program.
This partnership between two of the industry’s premier youth golf organizations will provide more Youth on Course membership opportunities for junior golfers and further strengthen TGA’s Player Pathway by increasing the number of new players and families who transition from off-course to on-course programs.
“TGA Premier Sports shares our goal of providing young people with life-changing opportunities through sports,” says Adam Heieck, Youth on Course CEO. “We’re proud to partner with TGA to provide members with on-course experiences at more than 1,200 available YOC venues.”
Beginning this month in Northern California, parents who register their kids in TGA golf camp programs will receive a complimentary Youth on Course membership. In addition, parents who register their kids in TGA after-school enrichment programs will have the opportunity to add a Youth on Course membership where they will have affordable access to more than 1,200 partner courses. The partnership will expand to additional regions in 2020.
TGA summer camps and after-school enrichment registration details and locations can be found here.
TGA has impacted more than 700,000 kids to date through its after-school golf enrichment and camp programs. More than 70% of TGA’s participants and their families are new to the sport while 42% of its total participants migrate to local golf facilities.
“TGA introductory programs at schools and community-based organizations break down barriers to entry for new golf consumers and provides access for kids and families to learn the sport,’” says Joshua Jacobs, CEO of TGA Premier Sports. “Youth on Course does the same for golf courses with junior golfers making them a perfect partner to further develop the Player Pathway and ensure young golfers and their families continue playing and become lifelong golfers. Together we create a seamless transition from non-green grass to green grass facilities.”
Youth on Course has more than 70,000 active members across the country. Since 2006, juniors have played more than 925,000 rounds while the organization has helped generate more than $6.2 million in tee-time revenue reimbursed back to individual golf courses.
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