Golf Poem: “No Golf to Play”

Retired MIT professor Dr. Leon White has a passion for golf and golf poetry and written several books including "Golf Course of Rymes – Links between Golf and Poetry Through the Ages" and "If Only I Could Play That Hole Again" and other golf books are available from Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook) and from Apple (iBooks).


No golf to watch
No golf to play
No waiting for
A sunny day.

It doesn’t matter
How you score
You’re not playing

Can’t even order
A clubhouse beer
The house is closed
And you’re not near.

Staying at home
And far from up
Reduced to putting
To a paper cup.

You’ve often asked
The golfing gods
To intervene and
Change the odds.

It’s time again
To make that plea
To stay at home
To wait and see.

Wash your hands
Don’t touch your face
Think when again
You’ll embrace

Clean morning air
At the first hole tee
And a new perspective
On anxiety.

The author is LEON S. WHITE, PhD

Author of “Golf Course of Rhymes” and “Opposites in Golf”

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